Friday, 7 October 2011


X-posted on my tumblr & live journal

It’s been something I’ve thought about on and off, my like for people have been on and off my whole life. Recently with a lot of the hatred that has been going around for other ethnic backgrounds who aren’t white….Or the hatred towards people who have a different sexual orientation or people who are non-binary. It’s dumbfounded me really because I don’t understand it at all.

If you are going to hate a person hate the person for what they are, but really why hate? It’s draining and brings nothing good to this world we live in. Don’t think about the person you hate, why would you? If you dislike someone for whatever reason just remove them from your life, if you have to talk to them be civil, talk to them as any other person; it won’t kill you. Hate is a wasted emotion and I find that people who hate others revolve their life around that hate and that person…What’s the point?

The way I was bought up was to look at people as people not the colour of their skin, not their religion, not their sexual orientation. Even though I may not have been privy to certain details when I was growing up (like what a homosexual was) it never mattered to me.

I’ve been through a lot of discrimination in my life, not only because of the way I look (zomg I’m Asian D8!) but because I am a girl…I’ve been mistake for a lesbian or bi-curious/bi-sexual because I’m a friendly person and because sometimes I may bait my friends a little but that’s besides the point.

Which is rather funny when you think about it, as a child growing up just looking at people for people and not really taking into account their colour, race and such it NEVER clicked that I looked different to others…I have a nose, eyes, mouth, ears…etc So I kinda didn’t understand why I got picked on as a child; until of course my parents (who are white) explained that I was adopted XD;…

We should all strive to look at people as people and base our likes on common interests, morals and values NOT on things that do not really matter like colour of skin, IQ, sexual orientation etc. Make this world a better place to live and place bearable to live in for yourself and others.

I have all manner of friends online and offline and I treasure every one of them…Non-binary, homosexual, bi-sexual, crazy, smart, funny, dumb, creative etc…Everyone of them are important and have played a big part in influencing my life no matter how little or small.

Does this make sense?

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Hmmm this was my thought the other day....

If pedophelia is WRONG (and we all bloody well know it is) then WHY is it in fandom so accepted?...(i.e. the amount of fanarts and doujinshis with underaged characters in sexual situations or even hinting on.) Why do we accept it?

Is it because they are fictional characters and not real?

Given that I myself have drawn some incinuated images with Naruto and Sasuke and own a number of Naruto yaoi doujinshi...and other various doujins...

I just find it strange that we know it's wrong and yet support it in a way....does this bother you or not bother you?