Monday, 15 October 2007

Morning Musings

This morning I found myself thinking about the drinking habits of the kids of now...Even when I was a teen, the drinking thing was pretty bad...Its funny when you hear 'new' studies showing that teen drinking is getting bad?...WTF It was already bad you douches.

Anyhows seriously kiddies don't go and kill your livers...After some years of experience... I can safely tell you.

To be safe
a) Know your limits, stick to them
b) Do NOT mix your drinks, if you are drinking spirits stick with them...if you are drinking beer stick to them so NOT mix them, it can end badly.
c) Drink water between drinks it should dissolve the alcohol in your stomach a little making it easier to process.
Its not Cool yo!
d) Don't think its cool to get totally smashed off your face. You don't know what you will do...You may end up beind raped...or be the one doing the raping. Beating whatever, its not cool.
e) If you think you are safe to drive, think again. Effectively your reaction time is pretty much halved. Do you really want to risk having the death or serious injury to your friends or other people hanging over your head?
f) I hope you don't think sitting and crying over things while your friends hold your hair so you don't puke in your hair is cool.
g) Drinking so much you feel like you are going to die...or at least feel like you want to die.

...Seriously I can think of so many more ways that its not cool to go and binge.

I don't see why its so cool to drink, sure the occasional drink is cool...but going over board it just plain stupid, just think about the damage you are doing to your brain...your liver your stomach and teeth (you vomit up bile, food and stomach acid)....

Oh yes I did my share of binge-ing back in the day...did my hand on being on the edge and shit. But I'm not in school anymore hey, don't have the pressure of having to be someone I may or may not be.

Anyhows just think a little before you start to go stupid drinking. If you are out be responsible and organise someone to drink or organise a taxi or something. Don't be stupid.